(Source of materials: Hong Kong East Cluster Community Services)
(資料來源: 港島東醫院聯網 社區服務)

組織架構 Structure

組織架構 Structure

Committee Members

  1. 蘇潔瑩醫生
    港島東醫院聯網 聯網總監/醫院行政總監 (東區尤德夫人那打素醫院/長洲醫院/黃竹坑醫院)
    Dr. Loletta So, Cluster Chief Executive (HKEC) / Hospital Chief Executive (PYNEH / SJH / WCHH)
  2. 劉家獻醫生
    舂磡角慈氏護養院/律敦治及鄧肇堅醫院/東華東院 醫院行政總監
    Dr. LAU Ka Hin, Hospital Chief Executive, CCH/RTSKH/TWEH
  3. 黃敏瑩醫生
    港島東醫院聯網基層及社區醫療服務 總監
    Dr. Michelle WONG, Service Director (Primary and Community Health Care), HKEC (Chairman)
  4. 莫浪秋先生
    Mr. MOK Long Chau, Cluster General Manager (Nursing), HKEC
  5. 簡聚坤醫生
    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 精神科 顧問醫生
    Dr. KAN Chui Kwan, Consultant (Psychiatry), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
  6. 宋崧醫生
    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 臨床腫瘤科部門主管
    Dr. Inda SOONG, Chief of Service (Clinical Oncology), PYNEH
  7. 麥仁傑醫生
    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院矯形及創傷外科 部門主管
    Dr. MAK Yan Kit, Chief of Service (Orthopaedics & Traumatology), PYNEH
  8. 黃國雲醫生
    Dr. Wendy WONG, Associate Consultant (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine), PYNEH
  9. 布美儀女士
    港島東醫院聯網 部門運作經理(社區健康護理服務, 護訊鈴)
    Ms. Yvonne PO, Department Operations Manager (CNS, PSCC), HKEC
  10. 郭佩玲博士
    港島東醫院聯網 臨床服務統籌 (專職醫療)
    Dr. Amy KWOK, Clinical Stream Coordinator (Allied Health), HKEC
  11. 黃敏櫻女士
    港島東醫院聯網 社區服務 榮譽顧問
    Ms. Daisy WONG, Honorary Advisor (Community Services), HKEC
  12. 黃婉容女士
    港島東醫院聯網 病人資源中心及社區服務 統籌
    Ms. Rebecca WONG, Coordinator (Patient Resource Centre & Community Service), HKEC
  13. 嚴健欣女士
    Ms. Edith YIM, Department Manager (Medical Social Services), RTSKH
  14. 王艷虹女士
    Ms. Ann WONG, Medical Social Work Officer i/c (Medical Social Services), TWEH
  15. 何嘉詠女士
    Ms. Carol HO, Social Work Officer (Medical Social Work), HKEC
  16. 蘭艷紅女士
    Ms. LAN Yim Hung, Department Operations Manager (Nursing Services Division), SJH
  17. 馬家韻女士
    Ms. Sabrina MA, Ward Manager (Nursing Services Division), WCHH
  18. 馮慧嫻女士
    港島東醫院聯網社區服務主任 (秘書)
    Ms. Hazel FUNG, Community Services Officer (Community Services), HKEC

Community Service Platforms

Community Service Committee with Community Partners in 7 Platforms:

  1. 長者 (Elderly)
  2. 長期病患者 (Chronic Illness)
  3. 精神健康 (Mental Health)
  4. 癌症病患者 (Cancer)
  5. 家庭及兒童 (Children & Family)
  6. 骨科 (Orthopedics)
  7. 基層醫療及疾病預防 (Primary Healthcare and Disease Prevention)