To enhance the social support and re-integration of the ex-mentally ill persons into the community, the Social Welfare Department has implemented the Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW) in all the districts across the territory since October 2010. Through the one-stop and integrated service mode, the ICCMW provides one-stop, district-based and accessible community support and social rehabilitation services ranging from early prevention to risk management for discharged mental patients, persons with suspected mental health problems, their families / carers and residents living in the serving district through a single-entry point.
機構/中心 | 地址 | 電話 | 服務區域 |
浸信會愛羣社會服務處 樂心匯(港島東) Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service - Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (Eastern) |
香港筲箕灣筲箕灣道 361 號利嘉中心 11 樓 11/F, Lancashire Centre, 361 Shau Kei Wan Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong |
2967 0902 |
Eastern District |
利民會 友樂坊(港島東) |
香港柴灣環翠邨澤翠樓低層地下 1-8 室 Unit Nos. 1-8, LG/F, Chak Tsui House, Wan Tsui Estate, Chai Wan, Hong Kong |
2505 4287 |
Eastern District |
浸信會愛羣社會服務處 樂心匯(灣仔) Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (Wan Chai) |
香港灣仔愛群道 36 號 8 樓 8/F, 36 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong |
3413 1641 | 灣仔 Wan Chai |
扶康會 康晴天地 Fu Hong Society - Sunrise Centre |
香港華富邨華美樓地下 404 至 412 室
Units 404-412, G/F, Wah Mei House, Wah Fu Estate, Hong Kong |
2518 3880 | 中西南區 Central Western & Southern Districts |
東華三院 樂康軒 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Lok Hong Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness |
香港德輔道西 418 號太平洋廣場 29 字樓 2903-08 室
Suite Nos. 3-8, 29/F., Pacific Plaza, 418 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong |
3460 6060 | 中西南區 Central Western & Southern Districts |
東華三院 樂康軒(分址) Tung Wah Group of Hospitals - Lok Hong Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (subbase) |
香港黃竹坑徑 2 號東華三院黃竹坑綜合大樓地下 G/F, 2 Wong Chuk Hang Path, TWGHs Wong Chuk Hang Complex, Hong Kong |
3460 6060 | 中西南區 Central Western & Southern Districts |
Please find the Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW) webpage on Social Welfare Department for more Details.