文章簡報 Presentation
主題演講 Keynote Speech
專題演講 Plenary Speech
Building Resilience Together: Hospital and Community Collaboration in End-of-life Care
香港大學 社會工作及社會行政學系 思源基金 (健康及社會工作學) 明德教授 系主任 周燕雯教授
Prof. Amy CHOW, Si Yuan Professor in Health and Social Work, Head of Department, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong
「畀心機」之故事 - 香港首個全面的兒童和青少年在新冠疫情大流行期間的精神流行病學調查
The Story of "Work Heart HK" - The First Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Epidemiology in HK During COVID-19 Pandemic
香港中文大學 精神科學系 教授 陳秀雯教授
Prof. Sandra CHAN, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
晚期照顧及長者服務講座 - 政策實踐.關顧啟程
End-of-life Care & Elderly Service Seminar - Partnerships in Community-based End-of-life Care for Elderly - Impact of Legislation on Advance Directives and Dying in Place
Advance Medical Directives and Dying in Place
醫院管理局 總行政經理(基層及社區醫療服務) 梁樂行醫生
Dr. Will LEUNG, Chief Manager (Primary & Community Services), Hospital Authority
Challenges of End-of-life Care in Elderly Homes
香港安老服務協會 外務副主席 邱婕兒女士
Ms. YAU Chit Yee, May, Vice-chairperson (External), The Elderly Services Association of Hong Kong
Stepping Forward for Community Partnerships in End-of-life Care
Advance Care Planning in Singapore; Conversations, Systems and Cultures
Dr. Raymond NG, Co-Chair, Singapore National ACP Steering Committee / Head of Department and Senior Consultant, Palliative and Supportive Care, Woodlands Health, Singapore
Capacity Building in Advance Care Planning: Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities
Mr. Andy SIM, Master Medical Social Worker, Singapore General Hospital/ Education Co-Director, SingHealth Duke-NUS Supportive and Palliative Care Centre
Hong Kong East Cluster's Journey in Elderly End-of-life Care
律敦治及鄧肇堅醫院 內科及老人科 副顧問醫生 王自強醫生
Dr. WONG Che Keung, Associate Consultant (Medicine and Geriatrics), Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals
精神健康講座 - 青春.共語
Mental Health Seminar - You(th) Open Up - Speak Their Language, Hear Their Voices
Youth Mental Health in the Post-Millennial World: Walking Together in the Midst of Challenges
精神科專科醫生 / 香港賽馬會 防止自殺研究中心 副總監 陳啓泰醫生
Dr. CHAN Kai Tai, Specialist in Psychiatry / Associate Director, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention
How to Apply the Theory of "Mental Fridge" to Parent-child Communication
Ben Sir's Academy 創辦人 香港中文大學前高級講師 歐陽偉豪博士 (Ben Sir)
Dr. AU YEUNG Wai Hoo (Ben Sir), Founder of Ben Sir's Academy, Former Senior Lecturer at CUHK
Help-Seeking Experiences through the Lens of Youths
香港青少年精神健康倡議組 代表 黎詠儀女士
Ms. LAI Wing Yee, Shirley, Representative, Hong Kong Youth Mental Health Advocates
香港青少年精神健康倡議組 代表 李振持先生
Mr. LI Zhen Chi, Kason, Representative, Hong Kong Youth Mental Health Advocates
From Pressure to Pleasure
東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 朋輩支援員 莫嘉蕊女士
Ms. Yoyo MOK, Peer Support Worker (Community Psychiatry Services), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 社區精神科服務 註冊護士 陸嘉杰先生
Mr. LUK Ka Kit, Registered Nurse (Community Psychiatry Services), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
[聲之靜] 聲音的療愈力量
The Healing Power of Sound
創作歌手 音頻治療師 陳明憙女士
Ms. Jocelyn CHAN, Singer-songwriter, Certified Sound Healing Practitioner