HKEC Symposium on Community Engagement VII
港島東醫院聯網醫社合作研討會 (七)
The Matrix In Integrated Community Care: Knitting The Web, Filling The Gap
醫社同心齊結網 共織互補為民康
Date: 9 June 2012 (Saturday)
日期︰2012 年 6 月 9 日 (星期六)
Time: 9:30am - 5pm
時間︰上午 9 時 30 分至下午 5 時
Venue: Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk
Road, North Point, Hong Kong
地點︰香港北角百福道 21 號香港青年協會大廈
Registration & Enquiry: 2595 6263 (Ms. CHEUNG)
登記及查詢︰2595 6263 (張小姐)
Registration Fee: Free of charge
Target: Staff from the fields of medical, nursing, allied health, social welfare and private practitioners
CME, CNE, CPD Accreditation pending
Arrangement of event in case of Typhoon Signal No.8 or Rainstorm Black Warning