
Seminar 1 Á¿®y 1
Healthy Development, Back To Family Focus ¨­¤ß°·±d¦¨ªø¡A®a®x¬°¥»

Moderator ¥D«ù

Ms. Jenny YAN, Assistant District Social Welfare Officer (Eastern/Wan Chai), Social Welfare Department
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Topic Speakers
1. Early Childhood Development and Comprehensive Child Development Service
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Dr. Wendy WONG, Associate Consultant (Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
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2. Comprehensive Child Development Service - Patient's Psychosocial Needs
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Dr. Joseph CHUNG, Associate Consultant (Psychiatry), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
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3. Mould Our Future with Enhancing Children Emotional Wellness Today
Ms. Esther TANG, Team leader, Adolescent Early Intervention Service, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
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4. Early Identification and Group Intervention: Youth with Depressed Mood in Community
Ms. Florence LAU, Manager (School Social Work Service), St. James' Settlement
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5. Marriage Enrichment in Cultivating a Healthy Family
Ms. Rose LAM, Social Worker, Caritas Integrated Family Service Centre - Shaukeiwan
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6. Supporting Family Mental Health - From Strength Perspective
Ms. Sara CHAN, Social Worker, North Point Integrated Family Service Centre, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
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Open Forum ¤½¶}½×¾Â
Summary Á`µ²

Seminar 2 Á¿®y 2
Care For The Chronic Illness - Beyond Boundaries ªø´Á¯f±w»ôÃöÅU ¤½¨pÂåªÀ®i¦P¤ß

Moderators ¥D«ù

Dr. LEUNG Kai Chi, Associate Consultant (Medicine & Rehabilitation), Tung Wah Eastern Hospital
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Ms. Mary YU, Operations Manager, Haven of Hope Community Rehabilitation Day Centre
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Topic Speakers
1. Mental Wellness Within-reach¡DCommunity Doctors Joining-in
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Dr. Douglas CHAN, Primary Physician
Dr. Joseph LAM, Primary Physician
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2. Patient Empowerment Movement: What the Patients Really Need?
Ms. Phyllis CHAU, Senior Manager (Rehabilitation), The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
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Open Forum ¤½¶}½×¾Â

Moderators ¥D«ù

Dr. LEUNG Kai Chi, Associate Consultant (Medicine & Rehabilitation), Tung Wah Eastern Hospital
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Ms. Phyllis CHAU, Senior Manager (Rehabilitation), The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
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Topic Speakers
3. Distress Level of Cancer Patients and Carers: Navigations of Support Services in the Community
Ms. Katherine CHOW, Centre Supervisor, CancerLink Central, Hong Kong Cancer Fund
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4. From Hospital to Community: The Joint Strategy to Address Carers' Stress
Ms. Anna KWOK, Centre Manager, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation Community Rehabilitation Network (Kornhill Centre)
Ms. Cindy MANN, Medical Social Worker, Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals
Ms. Rebecca WONG, Centre In Charge, Nethersole Community and Patient Resource Centre, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Ms. YAN Bo Ying, Social Worker, Haven of Hope Community Rehabilitation Day Centre
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Open Forum ¤½¶}½×¾Â

Seminar 3 Á¿®y 3
Dementia Care Without Boundary »{ª¾»Ùê·ÓÅUµL¬É­­

Moderators ¥D«ù

Dr. CHAN Wah Fat, Consultant (Psychiatry), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
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Ms. Winnie LUI, Manager (Professional Services), St. James' Settlement
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Topic Speakers
1. Sharing of Dementia Care by HKEC Psychogeriatric Team
Dr. Anna WU, Associate Consultant (Psychiatry), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
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2. Collaborative Dementia Care: From Detection to Long Term Care
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Ms. Julina LEE, Advanced Practice Nurse, Community Geriatric Assessment Team, Hong Kong East Cluster
Ms. Becky LEUNG, Unit-in-charge (Counselling and Carer Support Service), Wanchai Methodist Centre for the Seniors
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3. YWCA: Using Interdisciplinary Case-management Approach to Empower Carers of Frail Elders: Pilot Project of Collaboration with CUHK
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Prof. Doris YU, Associate Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing, Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Moderators ¥D«ù

Dr. Bernard KONG, Consultant (Medicine), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital and Wong Chuk Hung Hospital
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Ms. Eleanor KAM, District Coordinator (Eastern / Central & Western), Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
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Topic Speakers
4. Center for Behavioral Management: The Family Approach
Ms. Florence CHEUNG, Social Worker, St. James' Settlement
Dr. Gemma LAW, Advisor/Consultant, Kin Chi Day Care Services for Cognitive Impairment and Center for Behavioural Management, St. James' Settlement
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5. Comparative Case Study on the Effectiveness of the Physical and Mental Activated Therapy and the Conventional Therapy for Demented Elders
Ms. Joanna LEE, Supervisor, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Standard Chartered Hong Kong 150th Anniversary Community Foundation Alzheimer's Community Support Centre
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6. Smart Use of ICT for Frail and Dementia Elderly in Residential Settings
Mr. WONG Wai Sang, Occupational Therapist I, The Hong Kong Society for the Aged
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Moderators ¥D«ù

Ms. Daisy LI, Supervisor (Eastern / Wanchai District), Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association
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Mr. Danny LI, Service Director (Group 4), The Hong Kong Society for the Aged
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Open Forum ¤½¶}½×¾Â
Summary Á`µ²

Seminar 4 Á¿®y 4
Community Mental Health In Action - Collaboration And Innovation ªÀ°Ïºë¯«°·±d¡G¦X§@»P³Ð·s

Moderators ¥D«ù

Dr. YEUNG Wai Song, Consultant (Psychiatry), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
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Ms. Susanna NG, Coordinating Officer, Community Mental Health Support Services, Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong
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Topic Speakers
1. Integrated Mental Health Programme - A Proactive Approach for People with Common Mental Disorder (CMD) in Community
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Mr. Ottomark NG, Program Manager, St. James' Settlement
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2. Progress of EASY Extension Service in East Cluster
Ms. Mandy CHEUNG, Advanced Practice Nurse (Psychiatry), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
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3. Working with People with Suspected Mental Health Issues - A Community Experience
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Ms. Vivien FONG, Center in-charge, Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (HKE), Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
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4. Recovery in Community: Milestone to Collaborate with Residents Association
Ms. Mosy LEE, Officer-in-charge, ALOHA Eastern (Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness), Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong
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5. Community Engagement - "Family Networks at Community" Project
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Mr. Jason CHEUNG, Assistant Social Work Officer (Community & Patient Resource Department), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
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6. Peer Support Work in the Community - A New Journey for Consumers and Mental Health Professionals
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Peer Support Worker, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
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Open Forum ¤½¶}½×¾Â
Summary Á`µ²

Masters of Ceremony ¥q»ö

Mr. Frankie CHOU, Deputy Manager (Acting), The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation Community Rehabilitation Network (Kornhill Centre)
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Ms. Rebecca WONG, Centre In Charge, Nethersole Community and Patient Resource Centre, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
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