HKEC Symposium on Community Engagement IV
Healthy Community: We Can Make A Difference 醫社合作創新猷
Date & Time: 18 April 2009 (Saturday) 08:30-17:00
日期及時間︰2009 年 4 月 18 日 (星期六) 上午 8 時 30 分至下午 5 時
Venue: Auditorium, 8/F, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21
Pak Fuk Road, North Point, Hong Kong
地點︰香港北角百福道 21 號香港青年協會大廈 8 樓演講廳
Target Participants: Staff of HA, NGOs, Government Departments, members of
Patient Groups; District Councilors and medical general practitioners
- Online Registration 網上報名
- Download registration form 下載報名表
(Registration closed)