
HKEC Symposium on Community Engagement V

Family - The Key to a Healthy Community 健康社區.由家開始

Date & Time: 15 May 2010 (Saturday) 10:00-17:00
日期及時間︰2010 年 5 月 15 日 (星期六) 上午 10 時至下午 5 時

Venue: Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
地點︰香港柴灣柴灣道 238 號青年廣場

Morning Session at Y Theatre (G/F) 上午部分於地面 Y 綜藝館舉行
09:30 Registration 登記
10:00 Opening Ceremony 開幕典禮
Officiating Guests 嘉賓
  1. Prof. Gabriel LEUNG, JP, Under Secretary for Food & Health, HKSAR
    香港特別行政區 食物及衞生局副局長 梁卓偉教授 JP
  2. Rev. CHU Yiu-ming, Member of Hospital Governing Committee, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 醫院管治委員會委員 朱耀明牧師
  3. Mr. Shane SOLOMON, Chief Executive, Hospital Authority
    醫院管理局 行政總裁 蘇利民先生
  4. Dr. Loretta YAM, BBS, Cluster Chief Executive, Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority
    醫院管理局 港島東醫院聯網行政總監 任燕珍醫生 BBS
10:15 Keynote Speech 主題演講
Family 家
Rev. CHU Yiu-ming, Member of Hospital Governing Committee, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 醫院管治委員會委員 朱耀明牧師
10:45 Plenary 1 專題演講 1
A Family Doctor for Everyone

Prof. Cindy LAM, Head and Clinical Professor, Family Medicine Unit, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
香港大學 家庭醫學部教授及主任 林露娟教授
Plenary 2 專題演講 2
Family Centered Care in Children's and Adolescents' Mental Health - Barriers and Possibilities

Prof. Joyce Ma, Chairperson & Professor, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學 社會工作學系系主任 馬麗莊教授
11:45 Oral Presentation 論文報告
Moderator: Dr. Daniel CHU, Deputy Cluster Service Director (Community), Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority
主持:港島東醫院聯網 社區服務副總監 朱偉星醫生
13:00 Lunch & Break 午膳及小休
Whole Day at Plaza 全日 地面廣場
  1. Information Booth on Community Resources 社區資源展覽
  2. Performances 表演

Three Parallel Workshops from 2:00 to 4:30pm at Y Studio (2/F)
三個工作坊 同時於下午二時至四時三十分在 Y 劇場 (二樓) 舉行

Workshop 1: Supporting Family in Turmoil - Youth Substance Abuse in Action
工作坊一:青少年濫藥 - 醫社家校的互動
  1. Chairman 主席
    Dr. Daniel CHU, Deputy Cluster Service Director (Community), Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority
    港島東醫院聯網 社區服務副總監 朱偉星醫生
    Moderator 嘉賓主持
    Dr. CHEN Char-nie, JP, Specialist in Psychiatry
    精神科專科醫生 陳佳鼐醫生
  1. Introduction and Overview 簡介及概覽
    Dr. CHEN Char-nie, JP, Specialist in Psychiatry
    精神科專科醫生 陳佳鼐教授
  1. Sharing of Experiences 經驗分享
    Parent of drug abuser from Caritas Lok Heep Club
    由濫藥青少年的家長分享經驗 (明愛樂協會家長義工)
    Support services to family members of drug abusers by Mr. Water LAI, Senior Social Work Practitioner, Caritas Lok Heep Club
    濫用藥物者家人支援服務 (明愛樂協會資深社工 黎子中先生)
  1. Service Interface and Sharing 服務接軌及分享
    Support services to drug abusers and schools by TWGHs Cross Centre
    分享為在學濫藥學生提供的支援服務 (過來人及東華三院越峰成長中心社工)
    Dr. WONG Chi-keung, Senior Medical Officer (Psychiatry), and Mr. NGAI Kei-hung, Advanced Practice Nurse(Psychiatry), HKEC Substance Misuse Clinic, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 港島東醫院聯網物質誤用診所 精神科高級醫生 黃志強醫生 及 精神科資深護師 魏基雄先生
  1. Open Forum and Summary 公開討論及總結
Workshop 2: Caring for the Sick - Family's Role in Looking After Patients with Chronic Illnesses
  1. Chairman 主席
    Dr. Elaine KWAN, Consultant (Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hospital Authority
    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 兒童及青少年科顧問醫生 關彥華醫生
    Panel Moderator 嘉賓主持
    Dr. Sandra TSANG, Head of Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong
    香港大學 社會工作及社會行政學系副教授及系主任 曾潔雯博士
  1. Introduction and Overview 簡介及概覽
    Dr. Sandra TSANG, Head of Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong
    香港大學 社會工作及社會行政學系副教授及系主任 曾潔雯博士
  1. Sharing of Experiences 經驗分享
    Amputation rehabilitants from HKEC
    港島東醫院聯網 截肢康復者
    Stroke patient and carer of Community Rehabilitation Network, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
    Mentally handicapped patient and carer from St. James Settlement
    聖雅各福群會 智力障礙患者及家人
    HK FamilyLink Mental Health Advocacy Association
  1. Service Interface and Sharing 服務接軌及分享
    Dr. CHAN Ying-kei, Associate Consultant (Orthopedics & Traumatology), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 矯形及創傷外科(骨科)副顧問醫生 陳英琪醫生
    Dr. YEUNG Wai-song, Senior Medical Officer(Psychiatry), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 精神科高級醫生 楊位爽醫生
    Dr. LEUNG Kei-pui, Deputy Hospital Chief Executive, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital/ Chairman of HKEC Community Service (Chronic Illness)
    東華東院副醫院行政總監/ 港島東醫院聯網社區服務 (內科) 主席 梁機培醫生
  1. Open Forum and Summary 公開討論及總結
Workshop 3: Meeting Special Needs of Children and Adolescent in Schools
  1. Chairman 主席
    Dr. Eva DUNN, Cluster Chief of Service (Psychiatry), Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority
    港島東醫院聯網 聯網精神科部門主管 鄧麗華醫生
    Panel Moderator 嘉賓主持
    Mr. LO Sai-kwong, Chairman of Eastern District School Liaison Committee
    東區學校聯絡委員會主席 羅世光先生
  1. Introduction and Overview 簡介及概覽
    Mr. LO Sai-kwong, Chairman of Eastern District School Liaison Committee
    東區學校聯絡委員會主席 羅世光先生
  1. Sharing of Experiences 經驗分享
    1. Case Sharing 個案分享/走出憂谷
      Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association Limited (HEDA)
      Heep Hong Society
      Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
    2. Youth mental health services 青少年精神健康服務
      Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong
      Jardine Ambassadors Programme of Mindset
  1. Service Interface and Sharing 服務接軌及分享
    Dr. TAI Shuk-mui, Associate Consultant (Paediatrics), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 兒童及青少年科副顧問醫生 戴淑梅醫生
    Ms. Jeanie NGAN, HKEC Cluster Service Coordinator (Clinical Psychology)
    港島東醫院聯網 臨床心理服務統籌 顏俏歡女士
  1. Open Forum and Summary 公開討論及總結