Symposium Programme 日程安排

Pre-symposium Visits 研討會前參觀

Date: 24-27 June 2014
日期︰2014 年 6 月 24-27 日

Programme at a Glance 程序

Date: 12 July 2014 (Saturday)
日期︰2014 年 7 月 12 日 (星期六)

Venue: Lecture Theatre, HKEC Training Centre for Healthcare Management & Clinical Technology (Address: Multi-Block B, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, 3 Lok Man Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong)
地點:港島東醫院聯網醫療管理及臨床科技培訓中心地下演講廳 (位於香港柴灣樂民道3號東區尤德夫人那打素醫院綜合大樓 B 座)

Time 時間 Topics 題目 Speakers 講者
08:45 Registration 登記
09:00 Welcoming Speech and Ceremony 歡迎詞及典禮
09:30 Keynote Speech 主題演講
Three decades journey in health services: Inter-disciplinary care is the final destination
Professor Albert Lee Professor (Clinical), JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Consultant in Family Medicine
Navigating in the health care system: How nurses work with the clients
Dr. Angela Leung Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, the University of Hong Kong
在醫療系統中導航: 護士與病人同行
10:30 Break 小休
10:50 Plenary Session 專題演講
Ready to meet the challenges of an ageing population?
Miss LI Yuen-wah, Cecilla, Assistant Director (Elderly), Social Welfare Department
人口老齡化 - 準備好嗎?
社會福利署助理署長 (安老服務科) 李婉華女士
A Stroke Survivor's Choice - Fortune or Misfortune?
Dr MOK KWAN, Ngan-hing Edith, A patient recovered from Stroke
中風者的抉擇: 有幸有不幸?
Patient Empowerment through Partnership
Mr. Peter POON, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation
Q & A Session 問答時間
12:30 Lunch 午膳
14:00 Four Parallel Seminars to be held in same time at G/F and 1/F of HKEC Training Centre for Healthcare Management & Clinical Technology separately
Seminar 1
Carer Engagement and Empowerment
Seminar 2
Medical social collaboration - Support children with developmental problems
Seminar 3
Facing the challenges of Palliative Care
Seminar 4
Collaboration to pave way for continuum of care with patient choice
照顧病患 醫社稱讚
醫社同心 培育有發展障礙的孩子
16:30 Closing Remarks 研討會總結