
Seminar 1: Carer Engagement and Empowerment
講座一︰照顧病患 醫社稱讚

Moderators 主持

Ms. CHAN Sau Kam, Senior Service Coordinator, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
浸信會愛羣社會服務處 高級服務協調主任陳秀琴女士

Ms. Phyllis CHAU Senior Manager (Rehabilitation) The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
香港復康會 高級經理 (復康) 周惠萍女士

Time 時間 Programme 內容
14:00 Empowering Caregivers: A Holistic Body-mind-spirit perspective
Dr. LEUNG Pui Yu, Pamela, Director (Rehabilitation), Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation and Honorary Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration
香港復康會 總監 (復康) 及香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系榮譽助理教授 梁佩如博士
14:20 Building a Care Network for Carers ~ from the perspective of Patient Resource Centre
Ms. Rebecca WONG, Assistant Social Work Officer (C&PRD), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 社區及病人資源中心 助理社會工作主任 黃婉容女士
14:40 Developing Social Capitals: A Way Out to Empower Carers of People with Chronic Diseases
Ms. Anna KWOK, Centre Manager, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation Community Rehabilitation Network (Kornhill Centre)
香港復康會社區復康網絡(康山中心)中心經理 郭燕儀女士
15:00 Transformation of Social Capitals: The Changes & Development of Carers
Mr. James LEUNG, Team Leader, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service & Ms. Landis Yiu, Social Worker, Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong. Family Networks at Community
浸信會愛羣社會服務處 利民會
「家」陪同心社區網絡計劃隊長 梁振邦先生 及隊員 姚玉蘭女士
15:20 The formation of the Carer Alliance for the Dementia Carers
Ms. May Cheung Yuen Kam, Chairperson, Carer Alliance for the Dementia Carers
Ms. Leung Fung Ping , Committee member, Carer Alliance for the Dementia Carers
Hong Kong FamilyLink Mental Health Advocacy Association Sharing
Mr. Mico Chow, Chairman, Hong Kong FamilyLink Mental Health Advocacy Association
15:40 Group Discussion 小組討論

Seminar 2: Medical social collaboration - Support children with developmental problems
講座二: 醫社同心 培育有發展障礙的孩子

Moderators 主持

Dr. Wendy WONG, Associate Consultant (Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
東區尤德夫人那打素醫院兒科及青少年科副顧問醫生 黃國雲醫生

Time 時間 Programme 內容
14:00 Children with developmental problems : Identification and Management
Ms. Annie SHEH, Clinical Psychologist, Family Health Service Department of Health
兒童的發展問題 : 辨識及處理
衞生署家庭健康服務臨床心理學家 佘靜珊女士
14:25 Early Identification & Timely Intervention ~ Utilization of Community Resources to Support the Development of Children in Need
Ms. Wendy LEUNG, Service Manager, Standard Chartered Hong Kong 150th Anniversary Community Foundation Uncle James Child Development Centre, St. James' Settlement
及早識別與介入 ~ 善用社區資源支援基層兒童成長與發展
聖雅各福群會渣打香港150週年慈善基金中環樂寧兒童發展中心 服務經理 梁翠雲女士
14:50 Break 小休
15:00 Empowering Families of Pre-schoolers with Special Needs in the Community: Means and Implications
Mr. Joseph WONG, Centre-in-charge, Wan Tsui Early Education and Training Centre, Hong Kong Christian Service
香港基督教服務處環翠早期教育及訓練中心主任 黃允聰先生
15:25 Support Service for children with special needs adapting in primary school
Ms. Betty WONG, Centre-in-Charge, Wanchai Centre &
Ms. Chris HEUNG, Centre-in-Charge, Wan Tsui Centre, Heep Hong Society
協康會 灣仔中心 中心主任 黃淑鎮女士 及 環翠中心 中心主任 向碧嘉女士
15:50 Open Forum 公開論壇
16:25 Summary 總結

Seminar 3: Facing the challenges of Palliative Care

Moderators 主持

Ms. Eleanor KAM, District Co-ordinator (Eastern / Central & Western), Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
東華三院 區域主任 (東區 / 中西區) 甘綺玲女士

Dr. Inda SOONG, Associate Consultant (Clinical Oncology), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital

Time 時間 Programme 內容
14:00 Evolution of HKEC Palliative Care
Dr. LAU Kam Shing, Consultant (Chest Physician) & Head of Department (Respiratory Medicine & Palliative Care), Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals
律敦治及鄧肇堅醫院 胸肺內科及紓緩治療顧問醫生 部門主管 劉錦城醫生
14:15 Advance care planning and advance directives: Application and challenges
Dr. TSE Chun Yan, Honorary advisor of Hong Kong Society of Palliative Medicine
香港紓緩醫學學會名譽顧問 謝俊仁醫生
14:35 Advance Care Planning for Older Adults in community
Ms. Carol CHENG, Education Manager, The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care
善寧會教育經理 鄭捷欣女士
14:55 End of Life Care in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly- Challenges and Rewards
Dr. Sharon SHUM, Specialist in Geriatric Medicine, HKEC Community Geriatrics Assessment Team (CGAT), Department of Geriatrics, Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospital
律敦治及鄧肇堅醫院 老人科專科醫生 沈南珠醫生
Challenges to Community Care
Ms. Christine LAM, Operating General Manager (RC1), Haven of Hope Christian Service
"安享終老院舍中": 機遇與挑戰
基督教靈實協會營運總經理(院舍服務1) 林玉貞女士
Project of 'E' (elderly) Dream Planner - Emotional Support in Action for End of Life Care
Mr. CHOI Chun San, Case Manager, Integrated Home Care Services Team, St. James' Settlement
「耆」夢策劃師 - 心情紓緩行動
聖雅各福群會綜合家居照顧服務隊個案經理 蔡俊燊先生
Wholeheartedly Brightening Palliative Ambulatory Care Services
Ms. YEUNG Wai Fong Ellen, Nurse Consultant (Palliative Care) Hong Kong East Cluster & Stella CHENG, Palliative Care volunteer
港島東聯網 顧問護師 楊偉芳姑娘 及 紓緩關顧義工 鄭智華女士
16:15 Open Forum 公開論壇

Seminar 4: Collaboration to pave way for continuum of care with patient choice
講座四︰中西醫社同創建 社區病人選擇多

Moderators 主持

14:00-15:15 Dr. Daniel CHU, Deputy Service Director (Primary & Community Health Care), Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority
港島東醫院聯網 基層及社區醫療服務副總監朱偉星醫生

15:25-16:30 Dr. Douglas CHAN, Chairman, Hong Kong East Community Network, Hong Kong Medical Association
香港醫學會港島東社區網絡主席 陳念德醫生

Time 時間 Programme 內容
14:00 Patient Empowerment Programme, from self-choice, self-management, to self-empowerment
Mr. Au Yeung Tsz Ho, Programme Manager, (Registered Social Worker), St. James' Settlement
14:15 Wisdom of Chinese Medicine in Health Protection
Mr. AU Kwok-yin, Chinese Medicine Practitioner, The Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association Chinese Medicine Clinic
香港防癆會中醫診所 中醫師 歐國賢醫師
14:30 GPs Clinic and the Community Beyond
Dr. YIP YUK PANG, Kenneth, Primary Physician, Hong Kong Medical Association
香港醫學會 資深家庭醫生 葉玉鵬醫生
14:45 Open Forum 公開論壇
15:15 Break 小休
15:25 Intersectoral Collaboration for Better Health of Local People - Experiences from "Sai Kung Healthy & Safe City"
Ms. Esther MOK, Deputy Director/ Service Development, Haven of Hope Christian Service
跨界別夥伴協作 促進居民健康 - 「西貢健康安全城市」的經驗
基督教靈實協會 服務發展副總監 莫素鳳女士
15:35 The Dream to a Healthy Community
Dr. LAM SEE YUI, Joseph, Primary Physician, Hong Kong Medical Association
Mr. Andrew LAU, Administration Manager, The Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training Centre of the University of Hong Kong
Representative from Family Medicine (To be confirmed)
Representative from NGO (To be confirmed)
香港醫學會 資深家庭醫生 林思睿醫生
香港防癆會中醫診所暨香港大學中醫臨床教研中心 行政經理 劉浩基先生
家庭醫學代表 (待定)
社福機構代表 (待定)
15:55 Open Forum 公開論壇