Date: Mid-June 2015
日期︰2015 年 6 月中期
Date: 11 July 2015 (Saturday)
日期︰2015 年 7 月 11 日 (星期六)
Venue: Lecture Theatre, HKEC Training Centre for Healthcare Management
& Clinical Technology (Address: Multi-Block B, Pamela Youde Nethersole
Eastern Hospital, 3 Lok Man Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong)
(位於香港柴灣樂民道 3 號東區尤德夫人那打素醫院綜合大樓 B 座)
Time 時間 | Topics 題目 / Speakers 講者 | |||||||
08:45 | Registration 登記 | |||||||
09:00 | Welcoming Speech and Ceremony 歡迎詞及典禮 Officiating Guests 主禮嘉賓 Dr. KO Wing Man, BBS, JP, Secretary for Food and Health, Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR 食物及衞生局 局長 高永文醫生, BBS, JP Dr. LEUNG Pak Yin, JP, Chief Executive, Hospital Authority 醫院管理局 行政總裁 梁栢賢醫生, JP Dr. LAU Chor Chiu, MH, Cluster Chief Executive, Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority 港島東醫院聯網 總監 劉楚釗醫生, MH |
09:30 | Keynote Speech 主題演講 | |||||||
"Personhood" The Foundations of People-centered Care and
Health Systems Professor E K YEOH, GBS, OBE, JP, Director, JC School of Public Health and Primary Care and Head, Division of Health System, Policy and Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong "人本醫療"- 醫療系統的基礎 香港中文大學 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院 院長 及 香港中文大學 賽馬會醫療體系、政策及管理學部 主管 楊永強教授太平紳士 |
The Review and Way Forward of Collaboration between
Medical and Welfare Sectors Mr. CHUA Hoi Wai, Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 醫社合作的回顧與前瞻 香港社會服務聯會 行政總裁 蔡海偉先生 |
Q & A Session 問答時間 | ||||||||
10:40 | Break 小休 | |||||||
10:50 | Plenary Session 專題演講 | |||||||
Forging Community Partnership for Better Patient
Care Dr. Christina MAW, Chief Manager (Primary & Community Services), Hospital Authority 醫社協作齊締造,治療病患更進步 醫院管理局 社區及基層健康服務 總行政經理 繆潔芝醫生 |
Perspectives on Community Collaboration upon My
Hospitalization in the CNY Mr. TSANG Kin Ping, President, Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases 從住院渡歲看醫社協作 香港罕見疾病聯盟 會長 曾建平先生 |
Break the Walls - How HKEC Succeeds to Build a Cohesive
Community Engagement Infrastructure Dr. C P WONG, JP, Ex-Service Director (Primary & Community Health Care), Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority 突破界限 構建緊密的醫社合作 港島東醫院聯網 基層及社區醫療服務 前總監 王春波醫生太平紳士 |
Q & A Session 問答時間 | ||||||||
12:30 | Lunch 午膳 | |||||||
14:00 | Four Parallel Seminars to be held in same time at G/F and 1/F of HKEC
Training Centre for Healthcare Management & Clinical Technology
separately 四個講座於港島東醫院聯網醫療管理及臨床科技培訓中心地下及一樓同時舉行 |
16:30 | Closing Remarks 研討會總結 |