Speaker | Profile |
Professor E K YEOH, GBS, OBE, JP Director, JC School of Public Health and Primary Care and Head, Division of Health System, Policy and Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院 院長 及 香港中文大學 賽馬會醫療體系、政策及管理學部 主管 楊永強教授太平紳士 Topic 題目 "Personhood" The Foundations of People-centered Care and Health Systems "人本醫療"- 醫療系統的基礎 |
Mr. CHUA Hoi Wai Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 香港社會服務聯會 行政總裁 蔡海偉先生 Topic 題目 The Review and Way Forward of Collaboration between Medical and Welfare Sectors 醫社合作的回顧與前瞻 |
Dr. Christina MAW Chief Manager (Primary & Community Services), Hospital Authority 醫院管理局 社區及基層健康服務 總行政經理 繆潔芝醫生 Topic 題目 Forging Community Partnership for Better Patient Care 醫社協作齊締造,治療病患更進步 |
Mr. TSANG Kin Ping President, Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases 香港罕見疾病聯盟 會長 曾建平先生 Topic 題目 Perspectives on Community Collaboration upon My Hospitalization in the CNY 從住院渡歲看醫社協作 |
Dr. C P WONG, JP Ex-Service Director (Primary & Community Health Care), Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority 港島東醫院聯網 基層及社區醫療服務 前總監 王春波醫生, JP Topic 題目 Break the Walls - How HKEC Succeeds to Build a Cohesive Community Engagement Infrastructure 突破界限 構建緊密的醫社合作 |