(Source of materials: Community & Patient Resource Department, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospitals)
(資料來源: 東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 社區及病人資源部)
社區及病人資源部於 1995 年成立,轄下有三個病人資源中心,包括癌症病人資源中心,那打素病人資源中心及精神科健康資源中心。由專業社工連結院內各病科醫護人員及不同專業,推動社會心理支援服務,並與社區伙伴合作提供多元化復康服務,藉此協助長期病患者及家屬增強對疾病、治療及復康過程的認識;關顧病者及家屬心理需要,生活適應及日後康復。
在治療過程裡,除了病人因面對疾病帶來的痛苦與適應而身心受困擾外,家屬亦同樣承受著沉重的壓力,因此中心會舉辦或與復康機構/病人互助組織合辦病人家屬活動 如:照顧者工作坊,家屬分享會,從而加強對家屬長期支援,提升照顧技巧及適應能力,並舒緩照顧帶來的情緒壓力等。
銳意發展「病人支援站」及「病人支援站~外展服務」,務求在各專科門診部或住院樓層推廣社區資源;並定期與復康機構及病人組織合辦病人社區復康活動,讓病者及家屬掌握社區資源,提升出院後復康的信心。此外,本部門舉辦長期病患病人組織交流會,集合多個合作的病人組織代表,就現時合作的醫院服務交流意見。現時,中心已聯繫之長期病患病人組織及復康機構約 30 個,定期商討合作,並聯同醫護團隊舉行服務會議。
Community & Patient Resource Department was set up in 1995 with 3 Patient Resource Centres. They are Cancer Patient Resource Centre, Nethersole Patient Resource Centre & Mental Health Resource Centre. Our social workers collaborate with clinical partners and community partners to promote psychosocial care and to render rehabilitation services, aiming at enhancing patients and carers competence of disease management, caring for their emotion as well as long term rehabilitation.
Our Patient Resource Centres have developed various programs to meet patients' needs along patients journey, such as new patient orientation, psychosocial group, therapeutic group, expressive art group, peer volunteer concern, exercise class and relaxation workshop.
Care-givers of any kind of patients usually are under great stress. Therefore Patient Resource Centres provides service e.g. stress management workshop, carer sharing session so as to help them manage their stress, promote caring skill and strengthen long term support.
Networking with community partners is another focus of our department. These years, Patient Support Station service and Mobile Station Service have been well developed in 3 Specialist Out Patient Departments of PYNEH. Rehab agencies and patient associations have been invited to promote their services to outpatients and their carers. In addition, 3 Patient Resource Centres have engaged with 30 patient associations and organized service meetings or patient associations forum to exchange ideas and discuss further collaboration.
Community & Patient Resource Department has also collaborated with Medical Social Service, Clinical Psychology and Chaplaincy to develop a referral system for clinical staff, organize seminar or service so as to promote the importance of holistic care among staff.