HKEC Symposium on Community Engagement XII

Integration and Innovation - Promoting Health, Enabling Recovery

Event Date: 2017-06-24

Presentations 文章簡報

Keynote Speech 主題演講

Plenary Session 專題演講

Seminar 1: Mental Health - Innovation in Community Recovery
講座一:精神健康 - 社區復元新思維

Seminar 2: Palliative and Dementia Care in Elderly - Integration and Innovation
講座二:認知無障礙 紓緩在家中

Seminar 3: Promoting Primary Health and Rehabilitation
講座三:推廣健康新角度 社區復原我做到!

Seminar 4: Walk the Patient Journey Together
講座四:醫患同行 開闊復康路